Wednesday Worship

Our services follow the Church of England’s daily service of Evening Prayer. Please click here for the link to the liturgy. The link takes you to the Church of England’s Daily Prayer page, then scroll down to see Evening Prayer.

UPDATEWednesday, 20th October – this week’s Wednesday Worship will be a service of Compline. Please scroll down below Evening Prayer to find the liturgy.

Services are held each Wednesday at 7.30pm (please join from 7.25pm)
A Service of Evening Prayer

Preceded by Wednesday Social at 7pm. Please join us for a quick catch-up.

The link to these services is emailed to everyone in the Benefice churches. If you’ve not received that email please contact Alex Brown for further details

Previous Services

Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy here
Liturgy Here.

Link to video mentioned: WHO: Mothers, babies and HIV: a story of INSPIRE

Liturgy Here.
Liturgy Here
Video Link Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy here
Liturgy here.
Liturgy here.
Liturgy here.
Liturgy here.
LIturgy Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy Here
LIturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy here
Liturgy – here
Liturgy – Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here
An Iona Style Evening Prayer
Liturgy Here
Liturgy Here

Beginning on the 22nd April, the Benefice will be hosting weekly services on Wednesday evenings (7.30pm) to compliment our Sunday Services on YouTube.
These services will cover many varieties and styles of worship, such as Taize, Iona, Contemplative or Catholic. They will not all be Eucharistic.
Each week will be different – curated by members of the clergy team.

If you would like to be involved in these services, or in the Sunday Services, (reading, leading prayers etc), please do contact;

Revd Terry Winrow, Associate Priest
01635 45380