Andover Road
Wash Common
RG14 6NU
Vicar of Benefice
Revd Becky Bevan
01635 41249
(Benefice Office)
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St John’s Road,
RG14 7PY
Associate Vicar
Revd Gary Collins
01635 41249
(Benefice Office)
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Church Lane
RG20 0HD
Vicar of Benefice
Revd Becky Bevan
01635 41249
(Benefice Office)
Worship Details here
Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved · St George and St John, Newbury
Thy Kingdom Come
Many people told us that they really enjoyed this final Pentecost service from Thy Kingdom Come. So we’ve embedded it here.
Our own Benefice Pentecost Service – can be found here –

Thy Kingdom Come – Ascension Day to Pentecost
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is an initiative which has inspired people over the last five years to pray specifically in the 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost.
Jesus spoke extensively about ‘the kingdom’ as an alternative way of living and being in the world. God’s ways are spoken of prophetically and poetically – and often in the most surprising ways; those who felt they were last, were revealed to be first. The poor lifted up, the hungry filled with good things; and religious and imperial leaders confounded!
This initiative takes Jesus’ prayer as an incentive to see how God’s
kingdom/reign can be prayed for, hoped for, and known in all the world.
St George’s church has been active in this project. They have held exhibitions in church, tea and coffee chats, and encouraged children and families from Falkland School to come into the church building to engage with Christian themes.
This year will be very different, but there is still plenty we can all do – and it
would be really good if many of our Benefice family would get involved.
So, here are some ways which may interest you;
Prayer Journal:
Many of you have used the ‘Novena’ in previous years, and this year’s is here.
You can also download the Prayer Journal ready for Ascension Day online here
We can print a few versions for those unable to access email or internet.
It is called ‘The Father’s Love’ and sits neatly with The Lord’s Prayer. There is a short daily reading, reflection, prayer and action along with space to record your own thoughts should you wish. You could get that creativity going through words, craft, art etc – and we can share in an exhibition when we come together.
Morning Prayer:
From 26th May to 29th May, Morning Prayer will be on Zoom at 9am each day. The link will be included in next week’s Newsletter.
You can access the Morning Prayer Liturgy and the Morning Prayer psalms and readings by clicking on the links here.
Thy Kingdom Come will be launched in the morning service on 24th May and will be the focus of the midweek service on Wednesday 27th.
If you would like to look at Thy Kingdom Come website
( you can access videos, download podcasts and a prayer app.
Children & Young People:
If you would like to look at Thy Kingdom Come website
( you can We will be sending out an Adventure Map for use by children and young families.
For further information,
Please contact:
Daily Prayer with the Church
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