Services through the Week at St John’s

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Finding a space to worship and reflect.

You would be welcome at any of our services and open events.
In addition we run discussion groups and talks to think about faith and life; details are available from the office.
Occasional concerts and other events are notified on our blog and on facebook

8.30amHoly Communionspoken and contemplative
10.00amParish Communionwelcoming everyone
4.00pm1st Sundayfor families (monthly)

8.45amMorning Prayeronline on zoom
9.30-11.15amBaby & Toddler Groupgames, craft, stories and songs
12.30pmLunchtime Communionhalf-hour service during the lunch-break (all welcome)

8.45amMorning Prayerin church
10.30-12.30Space to Becoffee, tea and chat – or simply a space to be
12.00Midday Prayer15 minutes of simple prayer for the world

18-18.30 .Still (contemplative prayer) every Thursday

8.45-10.00am…and breathecafé gathering after school run; relax and breathe!
also during the weekcare home visits, pastoral visits, occasional concerts and talks.
Church is open many other moments of the week, for private prayer, space to think, or for a quick chat with a priest. Usually if the door is open, and the ‘open’ sign is up.

St John’s Home | Services | Contact | Seeking Help | Community Links | Families