St John’s Christmas Tree Festival

St Johns’ annual Christmas Tree Festival starts 12th December and runs daily from 10am – 4pm until 24th December. The church will be filled with around 30 trees decorated by local groups and organisations – a wonderful sight. Refreshments are available.

Christmas carol sing-a-longs in South Newbury

A chance for to join with your local community and have a pub sing-a-long to some favourite Christmas carols. If you’re in Wash Common on Wednesday 18th December, come along to the Bowlers Arms at 7pm, or for those closer to Newbury town, The Dolphin is hosting at 7.30pm on Thursday 19th December. The events are supported by St George’s and St John’s Churches. All welcome!

Wash Common Christmas Concert – 8th December

An annual feast of Christmas musical delights. There will of course be lots of singing by the audience – rousing carols to cheer us all and send us home in good spirits!

Tickets are £10 adults, £5 under 18s and proceeds from the concert will be split between West Berkshire Homeless and St George’s Church.

To book, please contact the church office on 01635 41249 or email

Candlelit Christmas Fayre at St John’s Church

Sunday 1st December, from 3.30pm – 7.00pm, an opportunity to by gifts for the whole family with crafts from local artists, entertainment, cakes and refreshments in the beautiful setting of St John’s Church, St John’s Road, RG14 7PY.

Coffee morning and Christmas Fayre – St Michael’s, Enborne

Coffee Morning, Christmas stalls and raffle in aid of St Michael’s Church Saturday 30th November from 11am – 4pm All are warmly encouraged to come along – and if you haven’t visited the beautiful and ancient church of St Michael and All Angels, Enborne, then why not take this opportunity to make a visit. The postcode for St Michael’s is RG20 0HB.

Advent Carol Concert – St Michael’s Church, Enborne

Sunday, 1st December seated by 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start, with the singers of the Enborne Consort.

A beautiful and tranquil service with readings from the Bible, exquisite choral music and advent carols, offering space to reflect as Christmas approaches.

Mulled wine will be served after the service and there will be a retiring collection in aid of Enborne Church.

All welcome.

Christingle at St George’s – Sunday 1st December

Join us for a family-friendly Christingle service at St George’s Church in aid of The Children’s Society.

A collection will be taken in aid of The Children’s Society or you can donate via The Children’s Society’s website to support their work.

All welcome.

Forest Church at St Michael’s, Enborne

Sunday, 17th November at 4pm in the beautiful outdoor setting at St Michael’s Church, Enborne.

Join our choir this Christmas

Would you like to sing as part of a choir this Christmas? St George’s Choir would love to welcome any singers to join in their festive celebrations.

The poster below has all the details, and you can get a sneak preview of the choir in action at this link, promoting their involvement in the switching on the Newbury’s Christmas lights on 16th November.

Remembrance Sunday across the Benefice

There will be services at all three churches in the South Newbury Benefice on Sunday 10th November.

St George’s Church, Wash Common – 9.30am Holy Communion, followed by an Outdoor Act of Remembrance at 10.45am, supported by the local uniformed organisations.

St John’s Church, Newbury – 10.00am Holy Communion, followed by an Outdoor Act of Remembrance

St Michael’s and All Angels, Enborne – 9.15am starting at the memorial in Hamstead Park, followed by a Remembrance Service in church.