Generous Giving at St George’s

As part of St George’s annual focus on stewardship, Sunday 16 October was named as Stewardship Sunday and Revd Becky spoke about the variety of ways in which Christians respond to God in service to others, in their prayers and in sharing their talents and skills and time.

A letter was sent out about just one aspect of giving – the generous giving of money to the ministry and mission of St George’s which funds our clergy, our outreach and pastoral care, and everyday basics such as insurance, heating, repairs and improvements to the fabric of the building. This was accompanied by a leaflet from the Diocese of Liverpool which gives a summary of the biblical context for generous giving.

A prayer of reflection on giving:

Generous God, give grace to us, the living stones who form your Church,

to reflect prayerfully at this special time on our many blessings, and to be grateful.

We ask that your Holy Spirit will inspire and direct us as we continue to grow in faith and love,

serving you as your Church here in Wash Common and following in the way of Jesus. Amen.

The letter and article are available here, along with details of the Parish Giving Scheme and a pledge form.

Generous giving letter

Of Your Own Do We Give You article

Parish Giving Scheme introduction

St George’s Church pledge form

If you have a query about any aspect of financial giving, please contact Planned Giving Officer, Simon Pook on 01635 30599 or by email at