Advent Calendar – Day 24

Welcome to Advent…Day 24
These short meditations can be done alone, with a partner, or with the whole family.
My suggestion is evening time; light a candle, play the music suggested below,

Have a little treat, it’s an Advent Calendar, after all!
(Maybe hide some chocolate around the house each day, or hang it from the ceiling?)
And read the material aloud together…
There’s quite a lot here. You dont need to do it all; either follow the story and the blessings, or simply enjoy the poems.
Make it a special moment, ten minutes of togetherness in this busy season.

Theotokos and Child, ‘Sweet Kissing’, Orthodox Icon

Music Suggestion

from Spotify playlist ‘Advent Meditations’

It’s Almost Christmas!

Christmas time is a joyful time for us all. It is the time that we remember God came to live with us. In Jesus, we see that God was born as a baby and shares in all of our lives. When we are happy, God is happy and when we are sad, God understands.

A PoemO Oriens, (o rising star, dayspring) by Malcolm Guite

an excerpt…

First light and then first lines along the east
To touch and brush a sheen of light on water
As though behind the sky itself they traced

The shift and shimmer of another river
Flowing unbidden from its hidden source;
The Day-Spring, the eternal Prima Vera.

Blake saw it too.
Dante and Beatrice
Are bathing in it now, away upstream…

You can the full poem here.

God, who is invisible, became visible so that we may see and know that each one of us carries the fingerprints of God.

Tomorrow we will give each other presents to remind each other of the wonderful gift that the the Christ child is – God living with us, forever.

Tell your loved ones how and why you love them; affirm each other with words of encouragment and blessing!

Holy God, entering into our world in every time and place, may the whole human family one day know the depths of love, the gift of grace and learn to be at peace.
Have a really wonderful Christmas my friends. May the wonder and hope of God, bring peace to our community and throughout the world. Amen

The Food Bank

West Berks Foodbank Reverse Advent Calendar
Day 24 – your choice

A huge thank you for your continued support of the Food Bank through this challenging year.